Profectus Web is a boutique SEO consultancy with over
15 years of enterprise-level SEO expertise.

We believe that SEO should be integrated as a product function
of your overall website product, technology and business' strategy.

Profectus Web is a
boutique SEO consultancy
with over 15 years
of enterprise-level SEO expertise.

We believe that SEO
should be integrated as a
product function of your
overall website product,
technology and business' strategy.



Our goal is to help you reach your targeted audience and convert them
into paying customers. We offer flexible and comprehensive
SEO consulting and strategies targeting local and international audiences.

Our goal is to help you
reach your targeted audience
and convert them into paying customers.
We offer flexible
and comprehensive SEO
consulting and strategies
targeting local
and international audiences.



We help implement sustainable, results-driven SEO strategies
to build your organic rankings, increasing visibility of
your business and converting traffic into potential clients.

We help implement sustainable,
results-driven SEO strategies
to build your organic rankings,
increasing visibility of
your business and converting
traffic into potential clients.


How can we help you?


Results-driven SEO consultancy to maximise your website’s reach and business goals.

Search engine optimization (SEO) goes beyond the value of search optimisation. An effective SEO strategy is really the foundation of any great digital marketing campaign. When high rankings are achieved, it is a substantial contributor to increased brand value and provides a concrete platform for marketing campaigns. SEO has the ability to give you a competitive edge within your industry.

SEO is a major component of any successful online marketing and digital marketing effort. A well-optimized website provides a solid platform for all your digital marketing campaigns, and high rankings in search delivers powerful brand value. A great SEO plan can give you a powerful competitive edge.

What we offer?

On-Page SEO Audits

An On-Page audit is a comprehensive technical SEO analysis identifying all variables that are negatively impacting your site’s organic traffic growth. The audit provides detailed recommendations of SEO best practices and strategies that will integrate SEO as a product function to allow your website to grow at scale.

Keyword research

It is not solely reliant on figuring out what people are searching for, but rather defining the opportunities that match your business’ offering to a user’s’ search intent and mapping that into your website content strategy.

International SEO

SEO consultancy tailored to businesses targeting multi-country and multilingual SEO campaigns. We have more than 15 years of experience in optimising enterprise-level, scalable businesses to target a global audience.

Mobile SEO

Mobile usage has now surpassed desktop. As the web evolves, new technology exists, which brings increased complexity to ensure your content is accessible and performs well on Google. We ensure that your mobile experience is as intuitive and accessible to Googlebot as it is for your users, thus ensuring a truly multi-platform SEO strategy.

Google Penalty Recovery

Has Google notified you of a penalty? Have you experienced sudden drops in ranking or organic traffic? You may have stepped outside of Google’s guidelines. We offer penalty assessment and recovery services to get your penalty removed and future-proof your site from potential risks.

SEO Training

We want to share what we know. Successful SEO campaigns require cross-departmental synergy. Equipping your organisation with up to date SEO knowledge, empowers your various teams to continually build and optimise your business with SEO as a product function rather than just an isolated marketing channel.

SEO Strategy/Advice

Always consult an expert first. Organic performance can be negatively impacted by the change in technologies and pivoting of business strategies. Our bespoke industry-leading SEO consulting will provide strategic and actionable insights to remain compliant and grow your organic search presence.

Site Migrations

Are you rebranding or changing your CMS platform? If so, website migration is inevitable. These migrations are an SEO-sensitive project that carries both great risk and a great opportunity for growth. Our SEO expertise and experience, having done several large-scale SEO migrations will ensure your website retains its authority in Google and preserve your existing organic traffic.

Due diligence audits

Websites or company purchases can be tricky. We will assist you in ensuring all relevant investigations are done to ensure a site or company’s SEO credibility status and growth opportunities are evaluated before purchase.

About Us

Taken from the latin word meaning to “advance” or “progress”, at Profectus we endeavour to live out this definition through our company ethos and team passion for SEO. The essence of this word is used as a driving force to grow our clients’ businesses.

We believe that transparency, coupled with the right expertise, will produce tangible and measurable results for your brand. SEO is not only about building websites for Google. It is more than just being found. Instead, it is about growing and optimising your business both online and offline for people who use search engines – and we all know that this really is everyone.

Our SEO strategies and methodologies have been researched, designed and developed over the past 15 years, which equips us with the expertise your business needs to compete in this competitive and ever-changing digital landscape.

Our belief is that all successful relationships are built on absolute honesty and clear lines of communication. We want to be a partner and not just an advisor.

At Profectus Web, our aim is to facilitate growth and your company’s progression.


Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you.
